'open' the files to download or access the resources

These resources will be helpful to individuals to use either independently (via self-help) or whilst receiving psychotherapy:


Depression (self-help) recovery manual - open

Information leaflets about a wide variety of childhood and adult mental health problems - open

Progressive relaxation audio files, exercises 1 to 3 - #1, #2, #3

Self-help leaflets for a variety of mental health problems - open

Workbooks describing some basic CBT techniques - open

There is also a lot of information on the news blog page [here] about psychological conditions, individuals' experience of living with such issues and appropriate treatments. You can use the search box at the bottom of the home page [here] to search the whole website for information regarding specific conditions. 


Client Satisfaction Questionnaire - open

Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale -7 - open

Health Anxiety Questionnaire - open

Impact of Events Scale - open

Minimum dataset (IAPT) - open

Obsessive Compulsive Inventory - open

Panic Agoraphobia Mobility Inventory - open 

Patient Health Questionnaire -9 - open

Penn State Worry Questionnaire - open

Psychotherapy file - open

Schema Questionnaire - open

Social Phobia Inventory - open

Work and Social Adjustment Scale - open