[Please note, this contact page is published for prospective or existing clients’ queries. Unfortunately, due to the amount of ‘spam’ received, other submissions cannot be responded to. Dr Mark Papworth does not currently do any court-related work, and the site does not advertise or include links to commercial products.] 

To book an appointment either call or text Dr Mark Papworth directly (07771277621; weekdays 9am to 6pm) or complete the online enquiry form below (24hours/day). Enquiries are welcomed.

If he is unable to take your call, please feel free to complete the form below. To preserve confidentiality it is helpful if you provide the following information: 1) a telephone number and/or email, 2) the nature of your query, and 3) indicate your availability to take a return call if you have made contact by telephone or have provided a telephone number in the form below.

Please feel free to submit an anonymous enquiry form by inputting an obviously fake name (such as 'Mickey Mouse') because completion of the name section is mandatory in the form structure. Alternatively you can leave an anonymous answerphone message providing you are the only person who has access to your mobile phone.

If possible, it is better to provide both a mobile number and email address in the form below as, in that instance, an error in one will allow us to contact you via the other.

If you encounter an error when completing the form (indicated by text in a red box), please correct the form and resubmit it. The form is not sent by the system if it includes any errors.